To prevent shutting down of this excellent institution, the British Library may have to be re-constituted as an autonomous body under the Travancore Cochin Literary Scientific and Charitable Societies Registration Act of .1955 as an “International Knowledge and Learning Centre - Trivandrm”. This body with patronage from the Government could also have donors and mamber representatives in the Governing Council.
Suggested activities of the proposed Entity
- Value for money library and information service to the individual, family and institutional members - This will continue to be the High Priority area.
[Under the Library services, it is advisable to continue with materials in English Language to project uniqueness; the publications in English from all over the world can find a place in the proposed Knowledge Centre not limiting to British content.] - Electronic Knowledge Hub by linking of web servers with E-enabled International Knowledge Resource Networks
- Dissemination of information from globally acclaimed paid sites to educational institutions and Industry
- Networking with educational institutions in the State, National and International Canvas
- Initiation of Social Learning Spaces and Self Renewing Learning Communities tapping resources from the Government of India and International agencies as part of their Socially responsible interventions. The perspective plan of the National Library Board of Singapore is in this direction. The management of the above can be through virtual library networks.
- Conduct of knowledge management related events tying up with the Commonwealth Business Council, Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation, UNDP, UNIDO etc.
Concerns Ahead and Answers?
1. Will the announcement for refund of membership fees adversely affect prospects ?
Chief Minister’s assurance on government patronage would help to prevent membership cancellation. The library management should immediately persuaded to stop refund, permit renewal and issue new memberships irrespective of who would manage the library in future.
2. Will the present premises of the Library be available ?
Chief Minister’s assurance would help to extend the period of lease in this Government property currently with the YMCA. The existing ambience can be thus maintained.
3. Will there be constraints in income ?
The current 6500 plus memberships could easily fetch around Rs.90 lakhs income per annum. This should not come down due to unwillingness on the part of the present library management to renew memberships.
4. Can the commitments on the expenditure front be met ?
Government patronage would help to contain rent. Some retirements would reduce wage bills. Purchase of economy edition would bring down the cost of replacement of books. Expenditure can be easily met within the income from memberships.
5. Will diversity and standards of book collections be sacrificed?
Diversity can be enhanced by including books not necessarily of UK origin and re introduction of subjects which have been recently taken off the shelf.
6. Will service standards be met?
Advice of librarians with proficiency in international networks can be sourced. The trained staff is capable of ensuring service standards. Recruitment of trainees and their capacity building will strengthen this area as is being done now.
7. Can Government ensure professional management?
A structure that ensures Governmental supervision and participation of professional institutions, industry and members in governance and library management by trained professionals would be very effective. The library could be restructured as an autonomous body of international standards with government patronage as announced by the Chief Minister.
8. Can international networks be tapped as of now?
Collaboration with libraries and knowledge centres in many countries are possible. Coverage will increase with introduction self-learning and knowledge nurturing spaces as in the case of initiatives by the National Library Board of Singapore..
9. Will the new set up have access to online periodicals and journals?
While maintaining the technologies introduced by the British Council, more IT interventions can be conceived. Access to e-materials in English language will increase substantially as connectivity to paid networks all over the globe can be facilitated. How ever the collection of books should be given utmost priority
The British Council should be requested to donate the Assets in this Library to the people of Kerala as a Christmas gift who will cherish and nurture it.
The British Council should be requested to keep the money earmark for the announced refund of membership fees to meet the transition costs. As this is a self sustaining library ICCR should also be asked to advocate for this .
A Corpus Fund could be conceived by availing contributions from the Governing council members, ICCR, Ministry of Human Resource Development, and other governmental / non governmental sources. Large Corporate bodies who would also be willing to donate considerable funds for this Corpus Fund under their Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives could also be inducted into the Governing Council. The interest earnings from this Corpus will also supplement the annual revenues of the new Centre.
Activities for constitution of the proposed International Knowledge and Learning Centre – Trivandrum may have to commence urgently so that transfer of assets and staff is effected before the inauguration of the restructured entity, say on the 1st of April 2008, which is the 44th Birthday of this Library.
- K Padmakumar
I am completely opposed to a 100% govt. take over. Govt support is welcome but not takeover - no matter what the library is called. It will become like all other govt information centres - very boring. Very censored.
I suggest not rushing through this but taking the time to weigh all alternatives including the model of the highly successful Nilgiri Library in OOTy.
I think there is too much weight given these days to e-enabling. That can be a good source of data - maybe journals -but the hallmark of a good library is its collection of books. Period.
The British Delegation is coming this Sunday. So why do we assume that they are necessarily going to pull out? Let us focus on getting a Town meeting with them.
Town meeting - meeting us members and concerned citizens. They put their point of view. We ours. Let us see what compromise we can reach at.
Meanwhile everybody come on Sunday Dec 23rd at 4 pm to the Press Club.
I made an error -
The British Delegation is arriving early Jan.
book lending should be the primary service of this library
the recommended autonomous body should make the governance independent, with an arms length support from government. it's good for members and donors to have a say
links with international libraries is welcome
for rejuvenating the library if the bcl does not change its policy in the town meeting, an organisational form would be required say, a company, trust so on and so forth.
Registration under the cited act
would address the points that AG has raised. I have reworded it as "autonomous", though it goes without saying
Could kpk kindly point us to at least one working model of a good library run by the govt in Kerala or for that matter in India - I don't mean libraries attached to the IITs or IIMs. An autonomous library as you propose.
AG, an institution registered under this act would be like technopark which is an autonomous body. In case of a library the donor / member representatives could also have a say in strategic interventions.
make other petitioners to respond on options.
You have not answered my question. Can you cite the example of one single library run in the fashion you describe in Kerala? Or elsewhere? If so, let us use them as models.
Information: About getting the petitioners to respond- let as many people as possible know abt the blog and our Sunday meeting. People have to come and make their voice heard.
Lastly, I would hate a library be modelled on Technopark. A library shd be modelled on a great library of which there are many.
Also, as a scientist I need a library that can get the books/ journals I need for my work or else at least do interlibrary loans. Currently there is none in the city which is capable of this. Which means world class, cutting edge science will stay away from here.
AG, I was not referring to Technopark library. Was just trying to mention about the best practices adopted in managing Technopark which is an autonomous body with Government patronage.
The British library in Trivandrum should be retained in its present form or restructured if the British Council is unwilling to manage it. - A point which we all agree
A good library can be run by anyone who has a LOVE of books. Everything else falls into place.There are small libraries in this city and around which fall in this category.
REgarding TEchnopark- if they have so much govt patronage ( read sops given to them), why is it that NOT A SINGLE CEO has volunteered to contribute to this cause in some way. I think barely 2-3 have signed the petition. There is such a thing as corporate social responsiblity. And if they don't know abt it, the govt. shd remind. them.
AG and KPK are talking the same thing - a structure which offers professionalism and good governance- MARCH AHEAD
all the best.
I think we are closer to what might be the first goal of this exercise- prevent closure. But the exercise of governance, post BCL departure is fraught with dangers...instead can we implead ourselves as an interested party with the British Council? The BCL after all is interested in continuing to work as a commercial entity in so far as it wishes to sell education(and trade) in the UK- this can come at a substantial price which can run the library partly. Can we see how much it costs to run the library currently? If we have an idea of the arithmetic involved we can request them to continue their engagement, manage the library as it is but with a smaller financial commitment? We could then come up with suggestions to meet that shortfall...this would be a win- win situation for all- the library continues to get inputs from BCL and its current (excellent staff)while the 'it is all about the money' bit is addressed...
6500+ memberships would earn around 90 lakhs. Service charges could be levied on marketing of UK educational products. The expenditure including RS35 lakhs per year for replacement of books can be easily met. The library is viable without external funds
why don't you send this to the signatories to the petition
As author of the petition - I don't have access to the email of all signatories - yes it is strange but true. So we will just have to frame a press release this Sunday at our meeting in English and Malayalam and hand it to the Press and ask people to write in our blog with comments and ask the press to open up a column daily with reader suggestions.
The more I think about it - the more I feel we should NOT ask the BC to run the library. Simply because when you ask a reluctant party to do it they will only destroy it as they have done to the Delhi library. As it is, they have been increasing rates, cutting down the numbers of books we can borrow and sending us totally useless journals. Plus I am not comfortable with a situation where the Tvm library director has to get approval for everything from Chennai or Delhi.
I have some suggestions on what to ask of them(BC) which I will reveal at the meeting on Sunday. So do come.
I agree with AG that the BC should not be asked to run the library if they are unwilling.It was reported in Mathrubhumi(I think) that the CM said that this was part of the UK's policy to close down its libraries all over the world.This seems very ominous. Britain is changing and not for the better. With the impending changes to their immigration policy the Britons will effectively shut themselves in. If that's the case our best bet would be to retain whatever resources there are at the library and then start from scratch with the help of the govt. We must also keep in mind that our nation now has the potential to do anything the british can and do it better too. We dont need anyone's charity.
Many thanks to K Padmakumar for putting so much thought into the matter. Your post was truly illuminating.
Many of the ideas in kpk's original post were discussed at the meeting on Sunday Dec 16th and thus were contributed by several others. Check k's original notes of the meeting.
The more I think of it the more sensible K Padmakumar's idea of an international library seems to be. But I fully agree with the points AG makes - it ought to be a place not for elearning, but a place that has a very good stock of books and magazines. (I am not a scientist, but I occasionally glance at Nature, and go through every issue of New Scientist. Once the BL closes where can one do that in Tvm?_
AG's point about NOT making it a government affair is very well made. We should never ignore that either.
Let's hope people come up with smart and practical ideas at the next meeting.
Prof PVK
I meant "Government patronage" and professional management by a truly autonomous set up with members participation.
When it comes to takeover from the British Council it is the question of handing over of valuable assets situated in a governmental heritage building to a new OR existing entity
An organisation registered under the stated Act can be autonomous in true spirit so long as it is self sustaining. This is the hallmark of the BL in TVM.
A good rapporteur is a resource too.
The battle is won only when we ensure the library's existence for benefitting generations to come.
March Together
March together:
This is possible only if :
* members behave in a democratic way
* respect the need for diversity
*let women and kids take the lead for a change in male dominated Kerala
* credit other people for their contributions and ideas so that it is clear that this is a group effort and not the brainchild of any one individual
Motivate all to unleash creativity.
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