April 2007
Esme Choonara
increasing the life chances of young people." These wise words came from education secretary Alan Johnson recently as he announced that 2008 will be an official "year of reading".
Yet, around
destroy services crucial to promoting access to books and opportunities for reading.
Libraries are immensely popular. As a librarian from Haringey, north
areas. Moray council, in north east
27 librarians face redundancy and 17 face pay cuts, and Kent where 78 staff members are threatened with job losses. Councils often justify this as reflecting the changing needs of modern libraries. Steve told Socialist Worker, "Library management tried to make out that we are being
elitist by defending the jobs and skills of trained professional librarians. "This is an attempt to divide librarians and library assistants in order to push through cuts in pay and services."
the total number of library staff over the last ten
years. But the number of professional library staff
in post has fallen by 13 percent from 1995 to 2005.
"One argument is that the introduction of more
computers means that we don’t need the same level of
trained librarians," said Steve.
"In fact, the increase of technology in libraries
means there is a greater need for help and
expertise. Many people coming into the library don’t
know how to use computers or how to find
"At the moment we are able to help them to use the
computers. We give a lot of informal help – with
typing CVs and with problems people are facing with
the Learn Direct employment skills agency.
"Many see libraries as the least threatening part of
council services and come to us for help. If the
cuts go through, we won’t be able to do these
"The main drives for change are for nicer libraries,
more internet access and longer opening hours.
"There is nothing wrong with nice library buildings.
It’s also good that there is more internet and
computer access in libraries. But this shouldn’t be
at the expense of books, which are still our core
According to the LISU, book expenditure nationally
stands at its lowest level since 1995.
In part this reflects the falling costs of some
books, but it also reflects a shift in emphasis away
from books to audio visual loans and computer
The number of books available for loan has fallen 18
percent in ten years.
Steve said, "In Hampshire there has been a downward
trend in book issues and visits. This is linked to
the large cuts from the book fund.
"Many librarians will tell you how poor the book
stock is compared to ten or even five years ago."
Cutting qualified librarians means cutting library
services – often these are projects increasing
access to libraries and going into schools and
community groups.
Steve explains, "In the New Forest and
area the proposed cuts will mean cutting the
children’s specialists for that area from five to
"At the moment the team plays an important role
going into schools and running events in the summer.
"It introduces children to libraries. With the cuts,
one person will cover all the primary schools in the
area. That’s one librarian for 19,850 children. "
In Haringey, the cuts will hit the services that
prepare resources for schools and which works with
migrant communities and marginalised groups.
A librarian in Haringey said, "It’s about deskilling
– getting rid of professional librarians. I think
this is preparing the ground for privatisation. They
want to get casual workers in to do as much as
The head of Haringey libraries was previously
managing director of a private consultancy firm,
Instant Libraries Ltd, that was brought in to
reorganise the libraries.
"She behaves like the libraries are a private
company," said a librarian.
"Last year she was awarded the MBE for services to
local government.
"This was as she was announcing job cuts and
redundancies in the libraries."
One of the government’s aims is to increase opening
hours in libraries.
The Museums, Libraries and Archives Council calls
for "a global, interactive information, resources
and communications service, 24/7, for learning
knowledge and inspiration."
Yet the drive to longer opening hours is being
implemented in many places without extra resources
and in some cases is accompanied by attacks on
library staff.
Dave Lowe, a Unison union member, said, "Some 150
low paid staff in
lines on Tuesday of last week after an overwhelming
84 percent vote in favour of strike action.
"Wigan Leisure Trust want to open libraries more on
Sundays and are looking to pay for this by taking
away enhancements to their staff.
"The staff have bent over backwards to provide a top
quality service for the public and want to remain on
national terms and conditions.
"The strike across the borough was solid and was
well supported by the public.
"At Ashton library the whole workforce was out on
strike and on the picket line.
"At Standish library the management opened up the
facilityto a pensioners’ reading group.
"When the pickets explained the reason for their
action, the pensioners walked out giving the
management a piece of their minds.
"Ashton library workers also found themselves
supported by many young people who chanted slogans
in support of the library workers.
lines, with support from the local community. One
striker said, ‘We provide a service to the community
and all management are interested in is targets and
Fighting for the right to information
The cuts and attacks are provoking many campaigns in
defence of libraries and library staff and services.
Libraries are an essential resource for working
class people to have free access to information and
culture. People have fought for them over the
Andrew Coburn from the Library Campaign, a national
charity for friends and users of libraries, told
Socialist Worker, "Public libraries have been seen
for many years as a vital community facility.
"It is not just about books. If you are a school,
university or college student, you can go to the
library to study. If you are 70 and you want to
learn new skills you can go and find the information
you need and pick up a book.
"That hasn’t changed. Other things have changed.
Many staff now can offer help and guidance with
books or with finding information."
In Haringey, north
residents signed a petition against the cuts. They
stopped the closure of Hornsey audio visual library.
library users are organising against plans to close
several libraries.
Residents have organised a petition against the
Shona Hutchinson uses Colinsburgh library in a small
town on the
She said that the library was a big success with
book loans increasing 500 percent in the last two
"The library is a central and consistant part of our
community," she said. "It is part of our heritage."
Lambeth and Croydon councils in south
campaigners fighting to secure the funding of the
library were surprised to be joined on a recent
demonstration by Tessa Jowell.
She is the minister with overall responsibility for
the current attacks on libraries!
For more go to www.librarycampaign.com
original article at
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