Saturday, December 29, 2007

Neil Robertson writes..

Mr Neil Robertson, Development Economist, and member of UNESCO Scotland National Committee, wrote in with his support.

He has also written to The Herald, the private secretary of Scotland's own
First Minister Rt Hon Alex Salmond MSP and to the Chairperson of the new Unesco Scotland Committee (Ms Joanne Orr) of the Scottish Museums Council, and author William Dalrymple...

Thanks Neil!

" Thanks for the note of the meeting which was forwarded by David Blackie. I have done a letter to The Herald which is Scotland's main quality newspaper and which is read by most of our MPs and MSPs. I've also put another campaign reference on the BBC Newsnight website which also reaches some of the key politicians

Good luck! "


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: WNeilGRobertson
Date: Thu,
27 Dec 2007 10:59:45 EST
Subject: Opposition Grows To British Council Library Closures in
India and Nepal

Dear Sir,

I am writing to complain in the strongest possible terms over the proposed closure of British Council's libraries in Nepal and India. The British Council has now become an international embarrassment and it is perhaps time for the devolved administrations in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland - which are after all responsible for education and culture - to join with the Chief Minister of Kerala, campaigners in
India, Africa and Europe, and Vladimir Putin in Russia, to cut all further links with this unaccountable relic of The British Raj - which costs the United Kingdom taxpayer a fortune but which is in deep crisis.

I also object to British Council's boss in India styling himself as 'British Minister of Culture' - a title that this man Rod Pryde holds apparently as a counsellor at The British High Commission in Delhi. As this is causing confusion in the Indian press over the level of political support involved in this commercially driven library closures programme by a parasitic British Quango, I would also now call on the Culture Ministers of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland to telegram The Chief Minister of Kerala to assure him that this British Council 'impostor' is not the elected 'Culture Minister' of any country whatsoever.

For further details on British Council (and its recent excesses) see:

Yours sincerely,

Neil Robertson

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is proof, if proof were needed, that one should not equate the British Council with the British.