Saturday, December 15, 2007

Meeting in Press Club

Friends of Save our British Library / We want library campaign have organised a meeting to discuss :

* the proposed closure of the British Library
* what has been done to prevent it
* what if we prevent it
* what if we cannot
* alternate ways to preserve the library - new management, donors buying and retaining current staff
* formation of citizen's committee to manage the library
* diversity issues - committee to rotate -annually and composed of the diverse range of citizens in town
* comparison with Bhopal
* links with Bhopal and Lucknow and Patna and other centers

Date : Sunday Dec 16, 2007
Venue :Press Club, opp Sports club,near SMSM institute
Time : 4 pm

Women, Children especially welcome. We have especially fixed this time and venue to ensure attendance by these gps. We want to ensure diversity in all its forms right from the beginning.
Not a collection of opinionated, old men.

So do come in huge numbers and have your say.



Anonymous said...

I just saw that 1000 odd people had signed the online petition. If each of us can pay Rs.2000 per year as a membership fee, we could easily raise Rs. 20 lakhs per year, and keep the library going. Are we willing to do that?

Anonymous said...

yes, ofcourse. but i have serious doubts of any alternate management (put up and funded by the members)being as effective as the BritishCouncil. what we need to do is try to maintain the library under its present management. We could agree to a hike in the subscription if money is the object but as far as I can tell the BC doesn't need that.

sschandran said...

Happy to learn that Trivandrum wakes upto the challenge to the Library. Wish to participate. Missed the 16th meeting. Kindly keep me informed about the future activities. online petition is being sent.
thank you
ss chandran

Anonymous said...

Hi Blog readers!I am Vivek Shenoy from Kochi(FortKochi)!It is really sad and I was taken aback to hear that the British Council have decided to close the library, which is one of the only 11 such libraries in INDIA!!

Could you please inform me whether they have decided any meeting or so to reconsider the decision which just came out of the blue!!!also tell me why they decide for such an action!

SHENOY!!Dec 17,07;11.30 AM.

AG said...

I think we SHOULD NOT hike the subscription rates. As it is, it is too much. We shd aim at BRINGING IT DOWN.

We need to get sponsors - a combination of govt and private would be ideal working under an autonomous body like the Nilgiri Library which turns 150 next year in OOTY. Maybe we shd get some tips from them.

Still waiting to hear from BC about why this decision was taken.


Anonymous said...

I too missed the 16th meeting. I just signed the online petition. If any meetings, please do inform, at present I am in Kozhikode but come to Trivandrum weekly, as my kids are at Trivandrum. If you could arrange the meeting on weekends it will be a great help, but still ok if u arrange it in between. We are glad to come