"One person, with just a few hard-working people in the field, managed to derail a bill that lobbyists spent millions of dollars on.
Sure, it helps that it was a lousy bill, that Cory co-writes the most popular blog in the world and that the bill was about something that blog readers care about. Doesn't matter. Because as readership grows and issues start attracting loyal readers, what this proves is that Tip O'Neill was wrong..."
We are no Boing Boing, but we can make ourselves heard too..
The meeting between the Chief Minister and the Council (scheduled for this 18th) might turn out to be a success, but in the meantime we could do whats possible. Here's what we could rightaway
- Sign the petition (link)
- Get others to sign it.
- Spread the word - office, friends, family..
- Think. If you have an idea that might make a difference, post it here. (To join the blog, leave a comment with your gmail id)
- Search the net for any useful info - governance structure of the British Council, key people; organisations, people we could contact in the UK..
But this is not 2001. Internet activism is now mature - a force to be reckoned with.
Let's stand up for our dear library in its time of need. Saving the library might be possible this time, but we need to act Now.
(Asha has suggested that we meet on the library premises, this Sunday afternoon. If you are okay with it, leave a comment. )
I suggest picking a time on Sunday when women and children can attend in full force. Most meetings in Trivandrum are generally male only. We should put an end to that.
Also, people who come shd come with several ideas on what steps we can take -
1) we try to keep the library as British Library
2) if that fails - how do we still retain the books, CDs,DVDs and most importantly trained staff and run the library ourselves
3) we need a volunteer committee of citizens ( diversity essential - not all elderly men please) who will make a panel to take this idea forward
The library should not close. That is not good. They can run the library without any problems here.
Remember dont be violent while protesting. We need to talk with the authorities and let them know our problems.
Sunday evening is good.
ar said
The library has always remained as a medium of information.During the past years library remained as a medium of interface between India & UK.
PLEASE SAVE IT.......!!!!!!!!
what happened at Lucknow? why did they close it down and what were the reaseons they gave then? It would help if we know whether trivandrum is a comparable case. We could come up with some solutions or atleast make our protest count more than that at Lucknow.
I sugest that we petition the Queen too. After all BCL is funded by the British Government.
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