Wednesday, January 2, 2008

At the Library again

The downward slide continues!

I was reminded of the umpteen pre-closure scenes in the shops under threat in the city...The staff still maintains a stiff upper lip, British style, but the younger among them are closer to a rather bewildered but resigned expression. The first sight that greeted me at BL today was a lady sitting down in front of one of the staff at the desk and filling in a form, once a familiar sight...she was filling in a refund form. I peeped over her shoulder but my couldn't see much, I am as blind as a bat without my specs. ..then I noticed the sign boards of refund...the exit post where they check your date stamps, has a stack of request forms piled in front...I too took one, not to to put in a request of course but just felt curious...

The other day when I mentioned that the books looked to be disappearing slowly, there was a note of dissent...perhaps I was over-reacting a little, I too felt later on...but this time I am sure that there is a slackening of pace in replacing books. I cannot confirm the disappearence of any books, but to be sure they are NOT being replaced...AJ Cronin's omnibus edition of novels is placed in exactly the same position in the make shift shelf where they put in books from the returns section. This is the third day that I have observed it's too much of a coincidence to say that every time I drop in at the library, someone places it in my way!

I was there today to have a peep at some Shakespeare, usually I get a good choice...but today the library yielded no gems...I guess they have all been borrowed before the library shuts's terribly sad, just being there, but I keep going, and will do so till the door is barred...I do hope it will never be...

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